the love of my life >.<

doesnt he look so freaking cute here?? awww...

and his super blur expression. and that thingy beside him is his chewy bone which he absolutely adores.

and that's my slipper he chewed on. and a piece of the floor missing cause he dug it out and bit to pieces.
it's seriously not easy to get mad at something so freaking cute like my puppy monster. but really, he is no angel. this few weeks have been really significant.
he had his first nightmare the other day and he suddenly woke up from sleep screaming and whimpering. i felt so bad for him. =( and yet all i could do was to stroke him and cuddle him till he fell back asleep.
and yesterday i heard him burp, for the very first time. he drank up half a bottle of milk and just burped. awww... aint it cute? oh, and he's becoming really really cheeky. i poured myself a glass of milk the other day and left the class on the coffee table. i walked back to the fridge to put back the milk carton, only to come back to see him happily lapping on milk all over the floor after he knocked the glass of milk down. sigh.
it's miss the times where he was just a bit shorter and could only peek over the coffee table. now any pizza left on the coffee table unattended will be lapped up by the him. he even found a way to climb up to the laptop table by jumping on a stool and balancing himself up to bite on whatever there is on the laptop table. and who said dogs are not that smart?
oh, and he bit on my specs yesterday. it's so badly scratched now. grrr... i was so angry with him. but sigh, he's just a puppy. it's amazing how he managed to get my specs which was on the sofa armrest. and baby's specs is totally ruined by the puppy monster. i seriously dont understand why he likes biting on specs. grrrr...
despite his antiques and naughty bits which tend to drive me crazy, especially when he barks at me non stop when i'm barking or him running around and jumping up and down on me when i'm sleeping, i love him to bits. =)
oh, and i went to cocobanana on wed night. it was themed beach fiesta, but no, there was no one in bikini nor beachpants. oh, and i went in tank top and jeans. lol. it's was really unplanned and i was happily having 'siu long bao' and indulging in dim sum with him when he told me that he wanted to go to coco later. i was like "what?!" so i went without any make up and wore my nerdy specs. =.=''
and m.o.s on thursday night. i really seldom club with a bunch of girls. especially not with newbies. i dont mind clubbing with a bunch of hardcore party girls, but i think i've grown past the stage of crashing ladies nite and spending the night dancing and camwhoring. i'm more of drinking, relaxing and goofing around with the boys enjoying the music rather than snapping pictures every minute and dancing all night till i sweat like a mad pig. lol. and i am really not a huge fan of m.o.s. when i rather spend time taking pictures than enjoying the night, it just simply goes to show that it just wasnt a blast. =(

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