thursday night out at cocobanana

the after-party at sunway hotel suite

pictures of me before getting into very heated argument with them. the thing bout hanging out with rich bastards is that, it's not so great and fancy as most people would think. other than the big bucks and big BMWs, there really isnt anything fanciful bout these people who can be very very nasty because they are too used to people licking their boots. and its really annoying what alcohol and drugs does to people.
after the very much heated argument and shoving around with some of the drunken people who wouldnt let me leave without finishing up the bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon i was having, i just grabbed my bag and heels, slammed the door and sped off in my car at 170km/h all the way home, which really made me realise that i have had enough. of rich assholes who think that they can have everything and anything.
coming home made me smile. because he was waiting even though it was almost 6am already. although i was lectured and bombarded with sacarsm, i'm just happy to know that he cares. which really is everything that really matters after all.
anyway, friday noon was a day of much deserved pampering at bizzy body.
anyway, friday noon was a day of much deserved pampering at bizzy body.
i came across their website some weeks back and simply filled up a simple form for a free treatment which i didnt know much about.
anyway, they called up on thursday and asked me to drop by at their branch at Damansara Uptown at 2.30pm on friay for the free treatment. so friday 2.30pm, it was.
the people were lovely. very friendly and charming. had some consultation thingy. which went on for hours. as usual, when people give freebies, they dont really give it altogether 'free'. they do expect something more. the girl was introducing me packages from 4k, then cheaper packages around 2.1k and then 1.2k and god-knows-what-else.
apparently, the free treatment was worth rm320 and was one session of slimming treatment of a program which actually requires at least 10 sessions. she was trying to convince me to top up another 700plus for a full course. i didnt. i was there for my free treatment, so i told her i want to do that, and that only.
so she started to talk science and bio to me, talking bout cellulite and toxins, drawing up diagrams of stubbown fats and what nots. telling me that the free treatment will not be of any use if i did not do a detoxification session. which would cost about 300plus. then, seeing i was not keen, she gave me another detoxification trial price around 100plus. i am really not that thick skin after all to go there and take my free treatment and leave. so i gave in. detoxification it was.
then she started to push me for some spa treatment which costs about 199. and i refused. then she quoted another price of rm88 for a trial scrub and massage treatment. and i was convinced.

the lounge.

before detox. detox started off with a lympatic point massage and cupping to channel the toxins out of my body.

the reshaping/ toning machine.

the lady wrapping me very very tightly in some plastic foil and wrapping me in the machine where air was pumped in to squeeze my body. it was nice at first, something like a air massage, but it got suffocating that i nearly could not breathe. after about an hour wrapped ever so tightly, it felt soooo good get out of it =.=''
the free treatment, in my opinion, was bullshit. a vibrating machine was place all over my body and massage slowly for about 45mins. which was claimed to break down the fats and what nots. but in the end, they really showed that i lost about 15cm already, which was about 0.5/1cm loss from each part of my body. =.=''
anyway, off to massage
oh, and He decided to treat me to a facial because apparently, he wants me to be prettier for tonight's party =.=''
again, the girl, introduced all the expensive facials, but i settle for the rm138 deamond peel package. the facial girl again tried to sell me all sorts of stuff.

facial bed =)

me in the gown for facial. basically, it was a two hour treatment. removing my make up, cleansing, scrub, the diamond extracting machine procedure thingy, the ever-so-painful manual extraction, eye treatment, face and shoulder massage, eyebrow reshaping, mask and all sorts of cold nice smelling stuff being put on my face. after the massage, my face condition improved a lot. other than the fact that they would keep asking you to purchase their products and the super painful blackhead and impurities extraction, it was quite a great experience. worth every cent spent.
seems u really enjoy le..
i wan i wan..hahaha~~
miss u..muacks...
walao. go detox spa and facial at bizzy body? u reli pampered bitch lar u V.
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