Wednesday, April 14, 2010

not-so-typical tuesday

while waiting to pick up ah ma who was nicely reading her novels while i waited outside her door thinking that she would have read my sms =.=

mad love! =)

off to gardens redbox for k session with A FEW of xie jiao people as an early celebration for cher cher's 21st!

yums! secret recipe's blueberry cheese. mad love! too bad they didnt have raspberry cheese. i cud have finished half the cake myself =) *nom nom nom away greedily*

cher and us girls.

*i wish this year i will learn my manners and not BURP or FART in public LOUDLY*

with cher =)

with tingyi! and i really dont know why i appear to be holding a bubble

me =) credits to ma for the awesome pic =) with my awesome hair =) mad love!

btw, sorry that out of the hundreds we took, i only uploaded a few. lazy to the max.

left gardens around 6 and went for dinner at mingtien at 7 plus. had an awesome time talking to ma and suang otw back to usj. showered and went and drink at gsix at 12, 5am 'breakfast' at murni and slept till 5 this evening. going to work in awhile.

slap me please. cz i still have not started on studying. and i dont know if i will ever be motivated to study. *yawns*


雨银 said...


love the day...
thx for askin me 2 think twice n go out..
i enjoyed to d max..
love u soOo much darling~~

yee suang said...

nice pic...
love it...
and enjoyed sooo much=)
take pics from u after exam k....