Wednesday, September 29, 2010

the love of my life

mummy loves you more than you can ever imagine and will never give you up no matter how tough the going gets.

mummy promise to bring you home from the hotel soon. =(

excuse the emo note of the post. it was past midnight yesterday and i was desperately trying to study last minute and cramp as much nonsense as i can for jurisprudence test for this morning, feeling emotional over this perpetual loneliness i bring upon myself from isolating myself and hiding in my little cave, oblivious to my surroundings and only letting a couple of people in my life. and i felt like the loneliest person in the world despite all the wonderful people around me. i hated fighting for things which are just not meant to be and how i strive to keep impossible promises and hurt myself along the way when it really doesnt matter to anyone else whether such promise is fulfilled or not. and chinese radio stations tend to play emo sad songs which trigger all these negative vibes at night. fml. it's funny that despite how i think my life is now at a standstill and comfortable position, i still get so upset over things which happened in the past which i thought i have gotten over already. ah well.

get over it viv.

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